miercuri, 31 iulie 2013

Wish I Was Wearing: Flowers and Stripes

En: Probably one of the simplest mix of prints is florals and stripes. And it's even simpler if you use a black and white striped top. The only rule is to choose a bottom that has either a white or black base so it has a minimal resemblence to the upper part and you're set! Jessica (in the above picture) proved to be an expert on the matter and I'd love to recreate her look today!

Ro: Probabil cea mai simpla combinatie de imprimeuri include dungi si inca ceva. Ceva precum un imprimeu floral. Iar daca dungile sunt in alb si negru e cu atat mai simplu; singura regula e ca fondul fustei/pantalonilor sa fie tot in alb sau negru si gata! Jessica (in poza de mai sus) e exemplul perfect si cred ca azi o sa incerc sa-i recreez tinuta...


luni, 29 iulie 2013

In the Woods


En: I know: yet another summer dress.I'm proving to be completely unimaginative these days.I blame it on the heat and my laziness (caused by the same heat). But I also feel like a good summer dress, especially a white one, is a must in every wardrobe. And I've been looking for one for the longest time so I feel like I deserve to abuse it this summer!

Ro: Stiu: inca o rochie, la fel ca in ultima mea postare. Sunt total lipsita de imaginatie zilele astea. Si dau vina pe caldura si pe lenea mea extrema (cauzata tot de caldura). Totusi, cred ca o rochie alba de vara, cam ca cea de mai jos, e un must in orice garderoba. Si cum eu am cautat multa vreme ceva asemenator, acum ca mi-au fost rasplatite cautarile, urmeaza sa o port cat de des vara asta!


I was wearing: dress - boohoo.com ; sandals - Bata; bag - Terranova; sunglasses - Ray Ban.
Am purtat: rochie -boohoo.com ; sandale - Bata; geanta - Terranova; ochelari de soare - Ray Ban.

vineri, 26 iulie 2013

What about Floral Interiors?


En: It looks like I'm going through a floral phase: first a flowery dress in a flowery setting and now a home inerior post dedicated to beautiful flower arrangements. I don't know if it's all the weddings I've had to attend lately or it's beacuse I'm growing older (my mum's theory  that you get more into plants with age), but I felt like looking at this beauties today. And i hope you don't mind...

Ro: Se pare ca trec printr-o noua faza: rochia cu flori din postarea trecuta si acum un post de design interior cu aranjamente florale.Nu stiu daca de vina sunt toate nuntile la care am participat in ultima vreme (3 nunti in 3 saptamani) sau faptul ca imbatranesc (asta e teoria mamei: cu varsta iti creste interesul si dragostea pentru plante), dar am simtit nevoia sa ma uit la frumusetile astea pe pinterest si m-am gandit sa vi le impartasesc...


duminică, 21 iulie 2013

The "A" Hat


En: I finally managed to do an outfit post!My boyfriend is in town for the weekend and I had to take advantage of his photographic skills. Regarding the outfit, this hat is definitely not my usual type, but after seing how popular it is this season, I decided to give it a try and I quite like it. I'm also wearing my summer go-to bag: a rafia picnic basket I can't seem to part with. It was a lucky find in my parents' basement. Sometimes goodies lie in the most unexpected places!

Ro: In sfarsit o postare cu mine si noua mea sapca! Iubitul meu e in oras weekendul asta si a trebuit sa profit de talentul lui fotografic (si mai sper la inca un set de poze inainte sa plece :D).In ceea ce priveste tinuta mea, sapca e cea mai noua achizitie facuta si cred ca o sa mai apara pe blog vara asta, iar geanta e un cos de rafie gasit in pivnita parintilor mei, care sigur va mai aparea pe blog caci nu reusesc sa ma despart de el.Cateodata cele mai bune lucruri apar in cele mai neasteptate locuri!

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I was wearing: top - H&M; shorts - Zara; sandals - Stardivarius (old); hat - H&M.
Tinuta alcatuita din: top - H&M; pantaloni scurti - Zara; sandale - Stradivarius; sapca - H&M.

miercuri, 17 iulie 2013

Wannabe Wednesday: Grace Fuller

En: As I'm typing this, i'm lying in bed sick, coughing, with a red, running nose and a headache.Leave it up to me to get sick in summer!So, no outfit post these days although that's what I had planned last week.Instead, I'll leave you with Grace Fuller, Vogue's Fashion Assistant for some great inspirational outfits.

Ro: Eu sunt unul din oamenii care se imbolnavesc vara.In fiecare vara!Inclusiv acum, in timp ce scriu asta, zac in pat cu nasul rosu si o lipsa totala de energie.Si desi planuisem altfel de postari pentru saptamana asta (mai dese si cu tinute de-ale mele), acel plan nu mai e realizabil zilele astea.In schimb, am ales sa v-o prezint pe Grace Fuller de la Vogue, ale carei tinute sunt o reala incantare pentru orice fel de ochi (inclusiv obositi si bolnavi ca ai mei).

Grace likes to stay on top of the art scene and she often pays a visit to art galleries in the city. Her outfit consists of Salvatore Piccolo shirt, Vince leather pants, Celine shoes and Ferragamo clutch:


When it comes to prints, she loves a good floral one, like this Dolce&Gabbana skirt she paired with a J.Crew cardigan, Aquazurra platforms and a bunch of gold jewelry, including a Kimberly McDonald geode bracelet and a Carolina Bucci link one:


A comfortable day to night transition can easily be achieved in distressed jeans, such as Grace's Koral pair and a good structured jacket (by Iro). Her flats are by Ferragamo and the tote is Leni Penn:


Grace states Thom Browne (whose jacket she's wearing below) as one of her favorite designers. She paired this colorful piece with Rag&Bone white jeans, Alexander Wang boots, an Eva Fehren X ring and a Sara Beltran wishbone bracelet. Her amazing white clutch is Marni:


When she wants a dressier look, this Opening Ceremony dress comes to the rescue.She is wearing it with an Anthropologie clutch and Oscar de la Renta mules:


sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2013

In the Mirror


En: I'm finally on vacation! And I've been waiting to say this forever since exams were many and tough and my frustration was growing with every facebook post from my friends saying they were free and I was not! But since that's over now, we managed to shot some new pics with my mirrored sunglasses I've been waiting to wear for a while now.I'm really happy with them although I look almost like an alien in these photos :)
And what about my overalls? I found them on sale for something like 5 dollars and I still hesitated as they make me feel like a child. But since they're making such a huge comeback, I decided to give it a try!
Also, pardon the frizzy hair.I guessI could have named this post bad hair day...

Ro: E gata in sfarsit si sesiunea mea! A fost lungs si grea si frustranta!Mai ales ca am vazut prea multe postari pe facebook care anuntau vacanta altora in vreme ce eu trebuia sa ma lupt cu sute de pagini! Dar a trecut si azi ne-am facut timp de niste poze noi cu ochelarii de soare de la Asos pe care asteptam de mult sa-i port!Sunt foarte incantata de ei chiar daca seaman putin cu un extraterestru in poze :)
Salopeta e o alta poveste.Am prins-o la reduceri la vreo 20 de lei si tot am ezitat. Ma face sa ma simt ca un copil, asa ca m-am gandit ca poate tocurile mai salveaza situatia. Nu? Poate? Pareri?
Iar despre par nici nu mai vorbesc, a luat-o complet razna azi, sper sa ma asculte mai bine data viitoare!


I was wearing: t-shirt - Zara; overalls - Ichi ; shoes - All Shoes; bag - DKNY (www.houseoffraser.co.uk); sunglasses - Asos.
Azi am purtat: tricou - Zara; salopeta - Ichi ; pantofi - All Shoes; geanta - DKNY (www.houseoffraser.co.uk); ochelari de soare - Asos.

marți, 2 iulie 2013



En: I'm still not done with exams.And extremely jealous of those of you who are, but I'm trying to hang in here for 3 more days.These were taken after an exam yesterday and I was proud to wear a traditional Romanian blouse from my grandma, which I think makes a great match with my braided hair.

Ro: Inca nu am terminat cu examenele (si sunt extrem de invidioasa pe toti cei care sunt deja in vacanta).Dar cred ca o sa supravietuiesc si urmatoarelor 3 zile (din sesiunea asta interminabila).Pozele le-am facut ieri, dupa un examen, profitand de ultimele raze de soare ale zilei.Bluzita pe care o port e o ie din dulapul bunicii si cred ca se potriveste de minune cu parul meu impletit si sgur nu o i-o mai dau inapoi!


I was wearing: traditional Romanian blouse gifted by my grandma; pants - Zara; shoes - Calvin Klein; bag - DKNY; sunglasses - Zara.
Tinuta alcatuita din: ie - de la bunica; pantaloni - Zara; pantofi - Calvin Klein; geanta - DKNY; ochelari de soare - Zara.